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        > Here's something to be alarmed about.
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Major Asspain
Just a Son
of a Bitch?

(6/15/01 2:40:47 pm)
Nice dodge but.....
since you choose to jump around the answers instead of actually answering the points I made, I'll just say that I agree to disagree with you. And if you honestly feel that you have answered the points, then I would observe that your indoctrination seems to have taken pretty well.

Sounded just like the non-answering double-speak I got from the guy who supposedly is looking out for ME when I called for more info....aaarrrggghhhhh.......do you REALLY believe that?



STILL - Fight the "Hamster" in you!!

(6/15/01 4:01:54 pm)
No dodge, nailed ya squarely
Double-speak? Jumping around? Where? Perhaps things simply aren't as black and white as you'd prefer them. Admittedly that's the nature of the law as it's written and there's nothing I can personally do about that for you. Sorry.

Consider this: I've been a songwriter and musician all my life. I worked at BMI for 8 years. Do you really think I didn't weigh the pros and cons of every minute detail before I made a decision as to where I stand? You really think I'm that easily brainwashable? Please. I am not a stupid or easily swayed woman. PROs fuck up indeed and I have plenty ROTTEN to say about how BMI runs its business and treats it employees as well, but I do believe the general service they provide is on the side of the songwriter as compared to record labels who are ONLY out for themselves. The problem with songwriters is that they can't see past their own personal, selfish needs and beyond into the good of the majority of their community as a whole.


~Darci Monet
Darci Monet
LilMinx Promotions

Major Asspain
Just a Son
of a Bitch?

(6/15/01 6:21:21 pm)
How useless.....
I hate this kinda of meandering 1/2 truth argument you're throwing up, it's like a politician.

Yeh - I posted what I did as a self-serving infantile songwriter who knows nothing about this business. Get educated. You're not the only person who's been around.....

And yes, you did jump all around and next to the points without ever hitting the land mine in the middle.

I think the idea that you appear to be trying to present is that most if not all of the blame for these kinds of situations rests on the shoulders of the artist community. It is my position that you are clearly biased because of the indoctrination that you were subjected as an obvious neccessity of the work you used to do. This sort of mindset is necessary when put into this kind of work, otherwise how could otherwise reasonable and fair people do their work?

All readers - I stand by these things I've said, as well I stand by the facts of the case as I've related them, regardless of the insinuation that it is not as I have stated. Please ask yourself why I would lie, what purpose would that serve? Also ask yourself why I would post the original thread if not to illuminate a problem that has very real consequences for everyone who performs in these type of venues? How would that be self-serving? What could I hope to gain?

Even though the focus of this has shifted to some jihad by someone with a clear agenda, the central point of what I started here has not changed, the situation still exists, and the potential results are the same. Now you know this thing is out there, no matter who's *fault* it is, so be warned if you live in that world.

(6/15/01 6:42:22 pm)
Re: How useless.....
And yes, you did jump all around and next to the points without ever hitting the land mine in the middle.

Again I ask, where?

I have never once called you a liar or implied that you were. Please don't put words in my mouth.

I stand by everything I've said too...as someone who knows BOTH sides of the situation, inside as an employee and outside as a songwriter. In light of that, it seems to me that if anyone in this debate is less informed than the other, it's certainly not me.

Your agenda is just as clear as mine, so please let's not make ME out to be the bad guy here. Neither of us are.

~Darci Monet
Darci Monet
LilMinx Promotions

Who is this person?
(6/16/01 11:42:19 am)
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Re: Here's something to be alarmed about.

If you are getting airplay and aren't being paid royalties for it...CALL YOUR PRO AND TELL THEM. That is of course, IF you bothered to register your songs with them in the first place.

And how many times should one do that? In my thirty-plus years (this round) with BMI there are THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS paid to ATT doing just that! The end result? ZERO!

So, you stupid bitch, WHO do you 'call' at BMI to get into their Pay or Pittance Clique?

Care to answer that one?

The FACT IS, you CAN'T answer it, because THERE ISN'T 'anybody'!

Trust me when I say the PROs do the best they can...

And THAT is a God Damned Bald Faced LIE Of The First Magnitude!
Point blank. Period.

You might be programmed into such stupidity, but rest assured the rest of us are not. Yes. You may quote me.

No one wants to close a venue. Hell, they close a venue and less money for the PRO, right? Why would they want to do that? They are trying, but the law is that music has to be licensed if you're going to use it. You ask venues not to and you have to ask record labels, film companies and radio stations not to, either. Then NO ONE would get paid.

I'm sorry, I'm not wrong. Again I'll state that PROs do not want to shut businesses down; as a matter of fact, they literally CAN'T shut a business down.

One more God Damned Bald Faced LIE Of The First Magnitude! Another "Point blank." Another "Period." And I'll be damned happy to document, case after case of outrageous fines, penalties and law suits. But if you were at BMI for "8" years and didn't see any of that, then your 'job' must have been in some broom closet.

I don't have a "rebuttal", per se. I will merely share my knowledge, which is extensive in this particular field whether you all want to respect that or not. If I sound frustrated it's because I argued the "why you have to license" subject every day for 8 years with venue owners in an effort to protect songwriters and needless to say it's very disheartening to get flack from the songwriters themselves, too.

If THIS is an 'example' of your 'knowledge, which is extensive' you can damned well bet that "I", for one, DO NOT 'respect' it. I've heard such mealy-mouthing for years, from the God Damned Lying Thieving BASTARDS at ASCAP, BMI and SESAC, from perpetual damned fools like STILL, from all manner of know-nothing-and-do-less psychopaths and the many never-wases and ain't-never-going-to-bes that infect and infest this Best Of All Industries. YOU are just one more example of jackass elements who can't stand the heat of TRUTH!

I'm sorry Chylon...I just have no response to your post because you are so clearly hysterical about it that anything I say will just go in one ear and out the other anyway. You don't want to hear what I'd have to say, so for the most part I won't bother.



I for one have ALWAYS admitted Bobby's knowledge and the basic correct-ness of his stance. I just don't like the way he treats people, and me in particular. And he DOES tell a lot of 1/2-truths that I have always been unhappy with in regards to his current endeavors with the satellite placement of songs and all that.



The fact is that he would carry a lot of weight if he would spend more time explaining realities, and less time spewing like a lunatic. But that's his call and he's welcome to whatever stance he wants to take. He does have a massive amount of knowledge........

In the REAL world of Recorded Music and Entertainment. And I CARRY IT because I DO NOT tolerate the perpetual, oh whine, bullshit you brainless losers, who make ordinary Beer Joint Baritones look like geniuses by comparison, swear and be-damned is God, Law and Gospel! And continue to do so year in and year out in spite of the fact NONE OF YOU can produce so much as one example of such poppycock EVER working for anyone at any time! Period.

If being ACCURATE, if being HARD POINT, if being HONEST, is "spewing like a lunatic" then I am very proud to be listed among the insane! But if being GUTLESS, if being STUPID, if being DELUDED, as the IDIOT ELEMENT perpetually proves themselves to be, is 'the real pussy-tangent world' you and the rest of your clan of damned fools obviously prefer then I am equally proud to recognize your listing among the Eternally Jackassed!

That Damned Akurian
General Bobby Farrell.
Former COO, Vandor Music Group

No Artist has to be on an Independent Label,
No Songwriter has to be un-published!

Click on the logo and get the facts!

(6/16/01 12:08:29 pm)
Re: Here's something to be alarmed about.
Man, I didn't realize how much I missed Bobby...here here.:) 'Damned Idiot Element'

So, you stupid bitch, WHO do you 'call' at BMI to get into their Pay or
Pittance Clique?


Harry Potter
(6/16/01 12:20:56 pm)
Re: Here's something to be alarmed about.
it's "Damned and Contemptible Liars and Thieves". Get it right, sleblanc :)

(6/16/01 12:23:32 pm)
Re: Here's something to be alarmed about.
Oh, one of many classic sayings man... "Beer Joint Baritones" and "Idiot Element" were always my favorites.

Harry Potter
(6/16/01 12:24:56 pm)
Re: Here's something to be alarmed about.
"Beer Joint Barintones"

oh good Christ, I had forgotten that one!


(6/16/01 5:19:13 pm)
Re: Here's something to be alarmed about.
Chylon, you really need counseling. I could have helped you - I'm normally glad to and bust ass to. But not for people who act like escaped mental ward patients and call me a stupid bitch. Big mistake.

~Darci Monet
Darci Monet
LilMinx Promotions

(6/16/01 5:24:17 pm)
Re: Here's something to be alarmed about.
P.S. Pais...maybe it's time for this one to settle into the mosh pit...?

~Darci Monet
Darci Monet
LilMinx Promotions

Who is this person?
(6/16/01 7:47:14 pm)
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Re: Here's something to be alarmed about.

Yes - I did know that you were Still. My clue was that you are always "checking to check" on something.

Document the 1/2 truth from the vmg website!

Post it on the vmg board if you've the guts!


Who is this person?
(6/16/01 7:48:05 pm)
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Re: Here's something to be alarmed about.

You didn't answer my questions and I asked them so reasonable too.

Bobby retired as COO from Vandor. Of course, when I mentioned this thread, as you can see he responded in his usual manner and style. He used my name to logon, but even you can recognize his style. Ain’t no one else that can do The General like man himself can.

Anyway, he is still VERY much active in the industry and is doing some awesome things. His email is mailto:%20thegeneral@vmgworldwide.org. Send him a note and tell him hello. Of course, you can wait for Majorasspain to take the challenge and post the 1/2 truth on the vmg board, jump to his ass’ defense if he's got the guts to post it there, and then you can tell him hello and wish him well yourself.

As for educating the Idiot Element, BJB's, and Paranoids, they'll always do the job of staying out of the competition, so no one has to spend any money shelving them, so that those who will make the money, can. Ain't that what that Damned and Contemptible company that was proven guilty of stealing people's royalties_mp3.com has been to the Indy Artist!

Now Phil - Aren't Cole and rdeaver typical Idiot Elements that even you've tried to educate or inform? I’ve seen some of things that you’ve said and I know that you’ve been right - pretty good responses too.

Check out these for a blast from the past.

http://www.avmrnetwork.com/AVMRMusic/MP3Threads/Gunburner1.htm http://www.avmrnetwork.com/AVMRMusic/MP3Threads/Gunburner2.htm http://www.avmrnetwork.com/AVMRMusic/MP3Threads/Gunburner3.htm
Remember the BIG DEAL the Liars from that Damned and Contemptible company made about the issue? Check out Gunburners P4P. That might give you a laugh.


Who is this person?
(6/16/01 7:49:15 pm)
Reply | Edit
Re: Here's something to be alarmed about.

Did you read the latest? The courts found in favor of Zomba. biz.yahoo.com/st/010612/27105.html

If ASCAP and BMI did their jobs, where were they protecting Zomba's rights against mp3.com?

Can't explain that one either huh - unless the explanation is that they are the Damned Liars and Thieves the VMG Campers call them. BMI and ASCAP are Damned Liars and Thieves and the Lying and Thievery is Fully Endorsed by Corrupt Lawyers and Judges!

I copied the Pete Townshend article at vmgworldwide.org/ubb/Foru...0028.html.

Here’s what you can do to prove me wrong.

Find out or Explain:
Why hasn’t Major Asspain been paid?
Why hasn’t ANYONE at mp3.com been paid public performance royalties - especially when ASCAP RECEIVED THE LICENSE MONEY? Or is TIFANY BARSOTTI the DAMNED LIAR General Farrell said she is!? See http://www.avmrnetwork.com/AVMRMusic/MP3Threads/tiffanybarsotti1.htm

What was the mystery of Publishing that Steve Albini talked about?
Find out why Pete Townshend didn’t get paid.
Explain why the PRO’s aren’t suing ANY OMD on behalf of Publishers and Songwriters yet are threatening websites for music such as that described in this article http://www.musicandmore.com/news/press/day_the_music_died.htm

These are some of the songwriters that haven’t been paid:
Lino Brescia and John Chrysovergis
DeMarkus Bennett
Hank Garland
Strange Brew
Sabrina Pike
Young Country
Lone Sojourners
Ted Rekich
Chris Patrick Chamblee
Robin Adair
T Woody

Find out what happened to the rest of Bobby Farrell, Int. Publishing’s catalog.
Find out why no one can find the information on the bmi.com Website including the song titles that Ms. Hilda Hicks (employed at BMI) confirmed in her email to Bobby Farrell regarding his catalog. I originally posted that email and the LIAR Rag Time Lady DELETED in her Thinking of Starting a Publishing company thread. You can see that SHE edited that post. I didn’t. I have a copy of that original email from Ms. Hilda Hicks and if she is still employed at BMI, her email is HHicks@BMI.com for you to confirm if for yourself. Make sure that you post her reply and get ALL sides of the story because I have copies of communications we’ve received from the Lying Thieves.

Here are some of the titles that Ms. Hicks provided. I can prove charted airplay. FIND THE CANCELLED CHECKS FOR ROYALTY PAYMENTS! I already know you won’t be able to because THE CHECKS DO NOT EXIST – and never did!

AGAINST YOU                                4868786 C L 08/31/1999 N I 0
ALONE IN THE SHADOWS                30143 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
ALONE WE STAND                        4868787 C L 08/31/1999 N I 0
ATL LIVIN                                5239788 C A 08/10/2000 N I 0
ATL STRAIGHT LIVING                        5239788 C L 08/10/2000 N I 0
BETWEEN THE LINES                        4868783 C L 08/31/1999 N I 0
CAN T RUN CAN T HIDE                5119161 C L 04/24/2000 N I 0
COUNT THE DAYS I M GONE                249243 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
COUNTRY                         5162923 C L 05/26/2000 N I 0
COUNTRY SPOTLIGHT                 251735 C L 02/07/1977 N I 0
COWGIRL AND COWGIRL                1843836 C L 10/22/1993 N I 0
DO YOU REALLY KNOW MALCOLM         1777817 C A 03/08/1993 N I 0
DRUNK ALL OVER AGAIN                347496 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
ENDLESS TIME                        5239789 C L 08/10/2000 N I 0
EYE HAS NOT SEEN NOR EAR HE         395785 C L 06/30/1988 N I 0
FEVER OF LOVE                        412926 C L 02/14/1992 N I 0
FOREVER                         5281155 C L 09/19/2000 N I 0
FREEDOM                 5281153 C L 09/19/2000 N I 0
HAUNTING MEMORIES                 531152 C L 01/20/1989 N I 0
HEARTACHE WRAPPED IN BLUE         547188 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
HOBOS HIGHWAYS AND HOTDOGS        572609 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
HOT SPOT THREE HUNDRED AND         5119149 C A 04/24/2000 N I 0
I JUST WANT TO BE CLOSE TO         630625 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
I KNOW YOU                                5281283 C L 09/19/2000 N I 0
I LL ONLY BE A MILLION MILE                642149 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
I ONLY HAVE EYE S FOR YOU         673814 C L 02/14/1992 N I 0
IN YOUR ARMS                        723113 C L 06/05/1989 N I 0
IT COME BACK AROUND                4868781 C L 08/31/1999 N I 0
JAMBOREE TWO THOUSAND                5119158 C A 04/24/2000 N I 0
JAMBOREE 2000                        5119158 C L 04/24/2000 N I 0
KEEPER OF THE FLAME                798126 C L 01/20/1989 N I 0
LEAVE ME ALONE                        844617 C L 05/07/1987 N I 0
LEAVES                                5281250 C L 09/19/2000 N I 0
MAKE YOUR MARK                        1843839 C L 10/22/1993 N I 0
NOTHING MORE                        1088716 C L 01/20/1989 N I 0
OH NO HELL NAW                        5119159 C L 04/24/2000 N I 0
OUR LOVE IS THE GREATEST TH         1138720 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
OUTSTRETCH                                5281152 C L 09/19/2000 N I 0
PART OF ME                                1153779 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
RED MAN                                1236886 C L 04/04/1986 N I 0
ROCK THIS RIP THIS                        5119162 C L 04/24/2000 N I 0
RUN THE RISK                                1276307 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
SHE SAID                                5281252 C L 09/19/2000 N I 0
SOIL OF LOVE                                5281253 C L 09/19/2000 N I 0
SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR LO        5282636 C L 09/20/2000 N I 0
STILL                                        4868790 C L 08/31/1999 N I 0
STOMPIN GROUND                        5119147 C L 04/24/2000 N I 0
TAKE ME IN YOUR ARMS                1450504 C L 01/20/1989 N I 0
TAKEOFF TO LANDING                1453216 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
THIS TIME                                4868789 C L 08/31/1999 N I 0
TILL THE LIGHT GO OUT                4868784 C L 08/31/1999 N I 0
TILL THE MORNING LIGHT                1843838 C L 10/22/1993 N I 0
TRAIL OF TEARS                        5119157 C L 04/24/2000 N I 0
TRUST                                        4868785 C L 08/31/1999 N I 0
WHEN WE ARE TOGETHER                5281154 C L 09/19/2000 N I 0
WHISPERING WINDS                        1660186 C L 12/10/1984 N I 0
WORDS                                4868782 C L 08/31/1999 N I 0
YOU MADE A WOMAN OUT OF ME         1723568 C L 05/07/1987 N I 0
YOU THOUGHT                        4868780 C L 08/31/1999 N I 0

Stations that played these tunes paid the EXTORTION/fees to the Liars and Thieves. Prove ONE cancelled royalty check was paid out by BMI for ANY amount - JUST ONE! You can’t because they were NEVER written by BMI!

DarciM, if what you say would be true, we ALL could understand one or two songs falling through the cracks. This isn’t the case and the above CLEARLY shows that.

I already know what you’ll say and it is the same with EVERY person we talk to at BMI or ASCAP. The BMI and ASCAP excuses ALWAYS sounds like:
it isn’t my department,
the person you need to talk to doesn’t work in my office,
the person who used to do the job isn’t here anymore,
we don’t keep those records current,
the person you need to speak to is out today or on vacation,
I’m new here,
the computer is down,
send the information again and I’LL MAKE SURE that it gets reviewed,
I can’t find any report ANYWHERE of ANY logged airplay,

If that is hysteria, then I am guilty. However, it ALSO doesn’t change the fact that we’ve been STOLEN from and they are LIARS and THIEVES. What if the above would be YOUR story - Would you be guilty of hysteria just as you’ve called me!?

To other readers, if you are affiliated with a PRO, you are a songwriter/publisher, gotten radio airplay, performed your music/songs publicly, and didn’t get paid as you should (and make sure you review what THEY say THEY’RE supposed to do), post the information and have DarciM explain why you didn’t get paid!

Why aren’t the PRO’s doing the job THEY say they do, how much money it is worth to you that is STOLEN from you? Then wonder, Damn there are so many musicians/songwriters that are SO BROKE. This should give ALL of you an idea of why. What if you did get paid as THEY say you SHOULD!?

DarciM, If you CAN answer ANY of these question and get to the bottom of it with the TRUTH, there will be thousands of songwriters/publishers that will truly appreciate your efforts and you will be a hero. Since you can’t, they ARE the Damned Liars and Thieves that they are and YOU are guilty of perpetuating those Damned Lies!


Who is this person?
(6/16/01 7:50:31 pm)
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Re: Here's something to be alarmed about.
Here’s an Offer for Phil and Still.

I will pick up PromoLibrary tabs for each of you regarding songs that you’ve written and registered with the Performing Rights Organization. I hope that one of you has something with BMI so that EVERYONE can watch the fun as it happens and DarciM’s perpetuation of the damned lies at work!

What I want you to do is scan the registration copy(ies) that you received returned from your PRO and put it/them somewhere on the web where everyone can see that you’ve done the job as DarciM suggests. I want the permission to show the copies on our websites. I will pick up the cost of the promolibraries until we find one song that charts. What I also need from you is radio friendly material and mp3 formats will work, but don’t work very well. Send me a properly done cd audio file.

The radio friendly information/requirements is on the VMG Website. In a nutshell, I would be looking for material that is under 3 ½ minutes running time, get into the song in 15 seconds or less, when you're done with the song, be done with the song, and have the song with a good mix. I don’t even care what genre.

Each of you, give me one song at a time, and I will load until we find something that works. We’ll all watch these songs for a 90-day period. If we don’t get something that works in that timeframe, then send me another song.

For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about - The information about PromoLibraries is at http://www.avmrnetwork.com/AVMRMusic/Music/diglib.html. and the contract that we use is in .pdf format at http://www.avmrnetwork.com/AVMRMusic/Music/contract.pdf Complete the contract because we need that information, but don’t send the check and send me the CD. Still and Phil, you can even send everything registered receipt so you can’t say I didn’t get it unless everything has been signed for. Generally it takes up to 72 hours AFTER I receive the CD to get the upload done. I’ll load when all the requirements are completed and post the information.

By the way, I have listened to both of your material and I thought it was pretty good – yes Phil I listened to yours. However, that is merely my opinion and my opinion alone. I have no idea of what the General Public would think of your material. It is the General Public that ALWAYS makes the final determination anyway.

Make sure that you review the contract for the upload so that you know the only thing that I’ll do is upload. I have no other rights to anything that you do. I’m just performing the service of an upload through VMG and my Label IceFire. There is NO relinquishing of your songwriting or publishing or anything else. Who knows? All you stand to gain is worldwide exposure that will cost you nothing. It may provide you with information that you can use to promote your venue opportunities. Have something new to say to the recipients of your mailing lists and/or any other opportunity as it arises. Use the information for your own publicity. Heck you might even be able to use the information to seek out investment capital to further your careers. Best of all you might even get paid the royalties from your PRO especially now since DarciM from BMI is watching!

Everyone else stands to gain from the information that the PRO’s are the Liars and Thieves the VMG Campers call them and Prove that DarciM is guilty of perpetuating the Damned Lies of their Thievery when you don’t get paid.


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