By:  Chylon


The Business Plan

Since no one has a business plan. I thought I would start one. Maybe some of the information could be used by some of you to develop your own. I'm sure that it will evolve and change as time goes by and of course, the plan will be adjusted accordingly. I've developed this plan for a fictitious group or artist known as Androgyny and as such sometimes it will refer to the group using the pronoun "we" and sometimes it will refer to an artist using the pronoun "I". This is the first final draft.

A Few of the Reference Materials I'm Using include:

How to Get a Recording Contract by C.U. Landit

This Business of Music by I.T. Schmells

Music Business And Law compiled by Dewey, Chetum, and Howe

I Dare - Not! By Chicky N. Shitz

Whether You Think You Can or You Think You Can't You're Right - Emma Genuis

Books By Simone Similare de Quands He's written several excellent books and essays. Some of the best are:

How To Write a Business Plan: I Dunno

I've Made My Mistakes: Now Make Yours

Call 'em Scammers: That'll Get 'em

To Advertise or Educate. That IS The Question

So You Wanna Become An Effective BB Poster: Have Aliases

Don't Like The Way They Do Biz: Don't Do The Biz

There are also some books or literature that is not recommended at all. This type of material is totally difficult to understand as if understanding could possibly come anyway. These types of authors don't know anything and they are painfully difficult to read. So it's a waste of time anyway. They'll just sell you the book and provide no valid information because of its difficulty anyway. There isn't a need to include the authors' names because you will be able to recognize the type. The fact of the matter is, these types of books say things that goes against what all the other ones do. The former have more in quantity than the latter and so the former must be right and the latter must be wrong.

Birds Of A Feather Flock Together

No Cents In Dreamin'

Wacko Dream Interpretations

Don't Go Chasing the Wild Goose

You R A Paranoid

To Beer Joint or Not To Beer Joint: That Is the Syndrome

The components of the business plan include the following:


Project Overview

Track Record




Personnel Bio's

Reference Materials





The Music Business is a difficult Business. There are all manners in which to be scammed and still make money. What Androgyny must do is stay on top of the scamming portion of the industry and deliver every manner and proof known to mankind as they enter the picture and expose the scam while making the effort to have a career.

Additionally, Androgyny is fully aware of the fact that some information may lead to "a wild goose chase", so to speak, but we must stay informed. This is important since we are pursuing a recording contract with guaranteed distribution. We must do the research we can just in case information proves to be true or false and respond accordingly.

There is a lot of hard work to do in this industry and it is important to keep in mind that you must work harder and not necessarily smarter to succeed in this industry (creative twist on the axiom). Of course, there is a great deal of money required to do all endeavors and so it is also important to spend it in such manner in things commonly agreed upon by those who write books especially since the truth of this industry is such a scam.

It is important to note that Artists do have very creative ways of doing things and so much of this plan will incorporate some of that creativity. The key thing here is that we do understand what we're doing. As the plan unfolds, hopefully everyone will appreciate the hard work and ingenuity involved.

With all of this information in mind, The plan of action will be detailed with full explanations and budget contained.

Project Overview

The first thing to keep in mind is that there are always parameters in every business proposal that are unknown. As such, we must take it for granted that those unknown parameters and elements are scammers and so we must take every opportunity to expose them for what they are as we work towards making music and getting that guaranteed distribution contract which is the goal for this Business Plan.

The next first thing to keep in mind in the Business of the Music Business is that everything is free. Androgyny isn't sure of why it is that way, but the valid resources state that all the bills are going to be paid by someone else and I'll make all the money. So the goal of this Business Plan must also incorporate that information.

The Plan Of Action detailed with full explanation below will explain how that is going to happen along with all the efforts of working hard and exposing scams. As a result, Androgyny's will be able to carve out its million dollar share of the multi-billion dollar industry known as MUSIC.

Track Record

What Androgyny done so far is work very hard. In fact, it really could be said that I've worked harder, not smarter (References will be provided as required). After all that is really the only way to go. However, I've been working towards that contract where someone pays all the bills and I make all the money because that's what is supposed to happen with Artist Contracts. I'm sure that as new sources of information come into existence, I'll have a better handle on the other things where I can continue these efforts and incorporate them towards the goals as mentioned above. It is also critically important to keep the efforts in motion because everything eventually works if you hold on to the dream. Androgyny has definitely been about that business as will be seen in other parts of the plan. Not only that, but we have references that we can provide regarding other Artists that do the same thing. The difference with us is that we are different.


So far, Androgyny has been gigging and developing a regional fan base. We've been fortunate enough to send copies of cassettes to college radio stations where I'm getting a significant number of airplay spins. Additionally, we've got our music on web sites that has our music to be given away for free in mp3 formats (see note 1). One of our members has found a number of bb's on the web where we are able to post and develop fans from around the world. People who've never heard of us can now experience the music. All of us sit in front of our computer online for several hours a day posting and making friends and enemies (while we expose scams which definitely helps other artists). Every once in a while there are flames, which can be very time consuming always end up doing good (another objective that we accomplish). Consequently, the loyal fan base is growing world-wide. Every once in a while we also send a newsletter that I write and let my fans know what is happening in my career. So far we've done one.

As far as recording the music is concerned what we've come up with is make a good quality demo so that it can be demonstrate our musical abilities and talent towards the above mentioned goal. We all know that no one can turn the knobs as well as the knob turners in Los Angeles, New York, and last but not least Nashville, it is best to approach the overall objective in this manner because they know what we're doing.

Everyone has been so encouraging and helpful from all the bb's. We've finally got the courage to finally record and finally manufacture the CD. What we decided is to record 50% covers and 50% original. We decided on 8 covers and 7 originals. Hopefully those publishers will also pay us the airplay royalties especially since we did them a favor by recording their music. If they don't, I'm sure that I will recover all the costs anyway because the CD will sell millions once we get in all the right doors. I know that there won't be any legal problems with doing this especially because I'm going to pay for all the recording and manufacturing costs myself and they didn't. Of course, I'll recover the initial costs when I get the recording contract. The record company will be able to deal with the other problems which should be minimized anyway.

In the meantime, because all my fans have been asking me for a CD, I decided that it was important to meet the needs of my fans so I decided that what I'll do is get a 1000 copies made. I've done the research on CD manufactures and was able to get a pretty good deal. I figured that what I'd be able to do is have enough copies to mail to some A&R reps, Radio Stations, and still be able to recover the costs for the ones that I sell at the gigs. Of course, I know that I'll recover those initial costs when I get the recording contract anyway or the company will take on the distribution of the copies that I've already made. And when the time comes, I will show that I do have a creative mind by suggesting that all they have to do to make sure that their credits on the CD is to add a very fancy designed label. This shouldn't be a problem because there really wouldn't be that many left.

Of course, they may choose to use my master or we can record the material again if we need to re-print which I'm sure they will. If we can agree on contract terms, they know they will have my full cooperation.

Now of course, this isn't going to include the music that I have on several sites in mp3 format that is available for free download. Everyone knows that it is important in this business of giving it away so that we can continue to develop a fan base which is exactly why we do it. I'm of the opinion that the golden rule is in place here. Give the gold and the gold will be given to you.

I'm going to use all the internet resources because I now know where they are and maybe one of the majors will experience my material and offer me the free distribution for the rest of the CD's. All I have to do is keep gigging, develop a regional fan base, and send copies of the cassettes to college radio. I just know they are going to love it especially since I'm developing some recognition and fan loyalty. I really think that I'll be able to sell 10,000 copies right away. In the meantime, as new Internet places come and go, I'll be able to stay on top of that too.

I figured that since my music would be so good, it would sell itself and no one would have to work too hard. Since that would be true, they don't deserve to make a buck either because I've done all the work.

Of course, not to be forgotten is the Web site. Of course, I do have music available as I mentioned above for download purposes, we also have information about us online on our own web site. It has been set up, mostly as we've learned new tricks of the trade, especially from our co-artists from the BB's that we participate in, and our hit count is growing regularly. We check it at least twice a day and because we have a counter on it, we can tell that we're getting our page viewed with some consistency. The first month we started off with no hits and ended up with 64 especially since we told all our friends that have access to go look and check our site out. We figure that every month it will double or triple. I suspect that as time goes by, especially because of all the Internet activities, and shared links, we should be able to develop an increase in our hit count significantly. We also think that will help a great deal when A&R reps look at our stuff.

This plan of action is definitely going to sell millions of CD's because we aren't going to have any chargeback. I realize that all the music in the stores sells if it is in them so even if I have to go the consignment route, it should not be a problem especially because of all the logged radio airplay that will happen by sending copies of the cassettes to college radio stations. That is the most cost effective method to get airplay and the DJs love to receive independent artist music and they are always open to talking to artists especially if the music is good. The ones we've sent to so far all tell us that.

I think that is what I'll do when I want to lay back after I sell all those millions of records. I know that after studying so many of the artists that exchange information, I should be an expert in uncovering the obfuscation of information and "save" everyone from being taken to the cleaners by scammers. I should be able to create several aliases for myself by then. That way, no one will ever be able to figure it out. It will also seem like several people working together at once.


In order to accomplish the general purpose of the plan, these steps will be taken in order to accomplish the goal.

  1. Write songs
  2. Record them
  3. Get CD made
  4. Contract signed
  5. Music in stores
  6. Overwhelming record sales
  7. Royalties deposited into the bank account
  8. Airplay royalties deposited into account in quarter paid

The daily activities will include

  1. Internetting activities




BB Posts

On a semi-regular basis

  1. Write promotional material
  2. Gigs
  3. Newsletter
  4. Sending materials to A&R Reps
  5. Sending cassettes to College Radio
  6. Maintain Web Presence



Time is not an issue regarding the budget because I have all the time I need currently available.

Equipment - I've already got some. However, as new bells and whistles become available, I'll acquire them on an as needed basis. The justification for such is that as new equipment comes available nothing will work as that happens and so I need to immediately purchase as it comes available. Of course, there are several contingencies that must be resolved.

College Radio Promotion - I figure that the total costs of everything that I need to send material that will get to all college radio stations will be initially somewhere around a few dollars.

Since the follow-up requires an unknown amount of telephone conversation follow up, I think the best option is emailing them because I already have a cost built into the fact that I have internet access and it is the most cost effective method to communicate. This will also facilitate the process of all the A&R reps who can look at the web page and download the music. This should also save them time and money because of the ease.

Return On Investment

The profit is mostly Androgyny's, but I'm sure that we can negotiate a proper percentage for the record companies distribution arrangement.

Personal Bio's

I have been playing music for several years and started when I was 5 years, 3 months, and 42 days old. I started playing the piano and several years later, learned how to play several other instruments. Because of technology, I'm able to do all the music myself as well as record, produce it, market, promote and I'm truly willing to work very hard as can be seen in the activities mentioned above. I can do everything myself except get the distro required - that's the only thing I need.

I've played in several different bands over the years as well as performed as a solo artist.

My experience in the industry is extensive and is growing on a minute by minute basis because of the information that I learn because of my internetting activities, reference materials, as well as discussions with other artists.

I am an excellent songwriter and my style is very unique. There isn't any other music in the world quite like mine. The characteristics of one of my songs include the following parameters.

  1. The total running time is 5:23 (I had to include all the notes to make sure that the song captured my full intent)
  2. The intro is 1:18 seconds (I put some real interesting loops, sequences, and unique sounds)
  3. The rhythm changes several times throughout the song. (As an expression of my creativity)
  4. I use very unusual sounds throughout my recordings.
  5. I altered the parameters of the recording process so that the levels were inconsistent an helped to create the songs effect that would of course work along with the words. (Helped to capture more creativity)
  6. I wrote an interesting triangle solo for the 45 second instrumental portion. I thought it was important to stress the instrument so I mixed a little brighter so that the instrument would shine and help everyone understand what I was doing. (I chose this instrument because of the fact that it WAS the instrument that helped to convey the message of the song)

My influences are basically so influential. They include artists from all genres.

Reference Materials


Copy of CD

Photocopies of materials for the promopax (Note: I've sent so many out already that the ones I send out now are a little difficult to read, but this is something that proves I've been working hard)


What has been outlined above is definitely going to need to be revised as required. What will probably occur if none of these things immediately work, well the most prudent thing to do is do them again. It is my intention to keep at my dreams by never giving up, holding on to the dream, not being discouraged, and I'll work very hard.

Last but not least, if these things that I do don't work and SAVE just one person from being scammed, my dream will come true.


We all know what kinds of terms that Artists REALLY want and so I thought that I would make it easier to sign the contract if I started one that included some of my terms. Of course, the ones that I've included so far are not negotiable, but the rest of it is.

This Artist Contract is entered hereinto between Androgyny and Record Company and is for the purpose of Androgyny making money in music universe-wide. Final decisions will be in the domain of Androgyny. Should there be any questions, concerns, legal or otherwise, we will consider such issues and respond accordingly.

Record Company hereby agrees to pay all the bills, provide guaranteed distribution, and pay Androgyny all the money immediately. They Record Company's portion will be based on a percentage of their effort and labor.

All parties guarantee to wish and hope real hard that all the endeavors work. Any not wishing and hoping hard enough will result in breach of contract.

Signed by





Record Company

This date, any relevant year.





#1. I removed all material from because I couldn't depend on any of the information. That information included the scam of the statistics, the pay for play was another con-job, they don't explain how one gets to be the artist of the day, week, top of the genre, etc. Furthermore, I can see that more scams are on the horizon with the ASCAP deal that is going to lead to more scamming. Therefore, I was well advised by many to remove all material.