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Author Topic:   Jodi Summers, RadioWizard, And Other Rants Stuff
posted 09-05-99 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RWB   Click Here to Email RWB     Edit Message
Ok first off I'd like to extend an apology
to RadioWizard Regarding that Jodi thing,
I exchanged a few emails with her and
needless to say she's inept, and doesn't
know squat, or anybody in the business.

oh yeah.. your still wrong about that
Tip-Sheet comment, just admit it.. it's
not going to kill you to correct yourself
every now & then RadioWizard.

And I still think you're full of hot air
but baah let bygones be bygones, besides
TipSheets aren't worth bickering about anyhow

ok so I'll shut up about the tip sheet
thing now and get back on-topic with my
off-topic rant again. ;p

> Another thing that bothered me was that she > removed posts. That is total bullshit.
> She wasn't an employee yet she felt > the need to remove things that she
> didn't like.

I agree. Moderation, and cencorship are 2
very different things, and blah blah.
Jodi just had a hard time being made out
to look naieve and stupid.

"the truth will set you free" - ben franklin

> ps- Yes, I know she wrote a book. Anybody > can write a book.

I can't, I'd have to hire an editor.
It's times like these I wish the universal
language of choice was C++ with inline
assembler hex, and not english.

#include <fun.e>
var pun
for pun = pun x sameoldstuff to end
// okay, I officially confused most of ya's

> Shit, I would like to say so much more but > my english is worse that Roberto Begnini's > at the oscars. Believe me.

action = *sigh*
// aaah memories


one last note:

I ran out of coffee, and things to say --RW My Music. My Company.

p.s.- online will be
complete... eventually.. if I can find
a sale on some Yuban ;p

[This message has been edited by RWB (edited 09-05-99).]

Paul B
posted 09-05-99 02:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Paul B   Click Here to Email Paul B     Edit Message
I still haven't seen any OFFICIAL evidence that Jodi's advice was inadequate.


posted 09-05-99 03:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RWB   Click Here to Email RWB     Edit Message
Well, That makes one of us ;p

I asked her to name (1) person in LA
she knows of management-wise the exchange
was the following:


> what would you like to know.

Basically, I need a manager locally thats
got a decent reputation for putting bands
in the right place. I wanted your advice
on who you may know about in my area.

> also, what part of the country are you in?

I'm located in Moreno Valley, California USA.
About 45min from Palm Springs, and 1 hour
from Los Angeles, and Hollywood.
There are too many theives in this part of
the country but there's also a bountiful
supply of reputable agents.

I'm willing to call anybody you would reccomend,
This is the capitol of the
music industry so I'm sure you know of
at least a good few


> are there bands in your area that you're
> impressed with?

No. I'm not a ska fan, and most bands out
here totally suck like a chinese waitress.

> are they getting good dates and exposure?

yes... unfourtunately.

> find out who their manager is.

I thought you were the one who
"knows this business", howcome you
can't seem to mention (1) firm located
in california? surely you know of one.

p.s.- isn't this exactly what your
"do you need a manager?" thread post said?

> it's always good to go through friends.

good luck. It looks like just
booted ya'. I take it you don't have
many "friends" there? or in the biz?

> best....
> jodi summers
> Experience is something you don't get until
> just after you need it.

non email comment:
I guess it she didn't need it then?
boy.. I wish I could be an expert
without any knowledge of the business
like her... that would make her a prodigy
right? ;p


all things aside.. she seemed pretty nice,
but so did one of the interns I just fired.

Face it: regardless of what kind of person
she was, "I'm sure she was a nice gal" she
still didn't know much, and caught
onto the fact that she wasn't cut out for the
job... don't take the above as an attack on
her personally, because it's not personal.
It's business, and unfoutunately she
just wasn't familiar with the term. :-|

This industry is built by relationships
whether by companies, labels, stations,
aqquaintances, or suits chatting. Jodi's
failure to provide even 1 name located
here "where the music & film industry
dominates our part of the country" only
proves she had nobody out here as far as
a contact. "experts" are supposed to have
"experience" and seeing as she "privately"
in email couldn't answer a very basic, and
direct question other than to generalize her
reply down to almost exactly what she posted
on the board is only further proof that she
did "know of" people, but didn't "know" them.
and the fact that an "expert" didnt "know of"
a single management company out here scares
me, but only proves it was a waste of time
to consider her "opinion" on anything
related to the music business.

*yawn* that sums it up, there ya go.

-- Rw Bivins. My Music. My Company.

[This message has been edited by RWB (edited 09-05-99).]

Van B
posted 09-05-99 03:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Van B   Click Here to Email Van B     Edit Message
OK, let me see if I got it right. You're saying Jodi knows nothing about the music industry because she refused to assist you with your career? Did you want her to just give you a name or an actual referral?

[This message has been edited by Van B (edited 09-05-99).]

posted 09-05-99 04:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RWB   Click Here to Email RWB     Edit Message
> OK, let me see if I got it right.
> You're saying Jodi knows nothing about
> the music industry because she refused to
> assist you with your career?

Nope. I'm saying she knows nothing because
she couldn't answer an easy, direct, basic
question. surely she'd have contacts out
here? It's not because she wouldn't help
me with my career, I'm already well managed.
I tested her, she failed the test.

> Did you want her to just
> give you a name or an actual referral?

Exactly. And she couldn't provide any.

Considering other posts like the manager one,
and the radio one, and the Interscope one
those also are real proof of her inadequacy
to provide sources, and real answers from
the mouth of experience. She led a lot of
people on at, something I was not
prone to have been by her.. but I will say
there are 2 things I don't like:

Asparagus, and hypocrates.

Like I've stated, it's not personal
she seemed like a decent enough person
if walt disney said he was a hardcore metal
head, he would still be loved by his
generation but also tagged a complete liar.

Enough said. --RW My Music. My Company.

[This message has been edited by RWB (edited 09-05-99).]

Van B
posted 09-05-99 04:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Van B   Click Here to Email Van B     Edit Message
That Disney analogy is very cool. I tried to picture it in my mind--interesting. Nice website BTW.

posted 09-05-99 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RWB   Click Here to Email RWB     Edit Message

Thanks hehe. ;-)

posted 09-05-99 05:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for chevdo   Click Here to Email chevdo     Edit Message
> find out who their manager is.

I thought you were the one who
"knows this business", howcome you
can't seem to mention (1) firm located
in california? surely you know of one.

p.s.- isn't this exactly what your
"do you need a manager?" thread post said?

> it's always good to go through friends.

heh you are a moron. If I was Jodi Summers I wouldn't want people going around dropping my name saying 'chevdo told us you could help us', either! I think Jodi's point was that she's not YOUR friend and her friends are not YOUR friends either!

Anyway you're right, Jodi Summers is not an industry guru, just someone who wrote a book FOR BEGINNERS. If you're a beginner, listen to her advice. If you're not a beginner, what the fuck are you yammering on about, then??? You should be well on your way..

And asparagus is delicious, you're a moron. Oh I said that already. Well it deserves reiteration.

[This message has been edited by chevdo (edited 09-05-99).]

posted 09-05-99 06:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dreabfly   Click Here to Email dreabfly     Edit Message
Exactly, Chevdo!

For the most MP3 is a site for beginners. Those of us who've been working in music for awhile aren't looking for managers here.

There are plenty of people out there who can give you good advice about the industry without having worked at Virgin Records. Someone who can translate that to beginners is a valuable asset, even if they're not mired in the industry. I think Jodi's purpose was to be a pass on information and moderate an open forum for others to learn from. But of course, negativity and the rantings of one incredibly idiotic old nut destroyed that space for all the beginners to draw from.

Sad...Jodi's board could have been a place for people to really discuss how to do things better. Now we're all just left with this bitter taste.

just my .02

posted 09-05-99 06:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for chevdo   Click Here to Email chevdo     Edit Message
ya well I don't really understand what his jokey 'test' was supposed to prove anyway?? If he told me he wanted to know who he should contact for management here in vancouver and I told him to go see Bruce Allen because he is the biggest one in the industry around these parts, would I pass his test??

RWB: I asked jodi for her opinion on a few companies, and she gave it to me. I realized she wasnt in a position to give me much else so I didn't continue to waste her or my time. If you name something specifically, she'll give you her opinion. But I don't think she goes around collecting gossip about who ripped off who in the industry, so what kind of information do you expect from her, anyway? If you tell her 'hey I am looking into working with this company, heres what they do' she'll encourage you to pursue your dreams, if it doesnt sound extremely fishy (ie something solicited from the various companies that post on bulletin boards in particular).

[This message has been edited by chevdo (edited 09-05-99).]

David Hooper
posted 09-05-99 06:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for David Hooper   Click Here to Email David Hooper     Edit Message
Just to give Jodi credit, a lot of people don't like to give out references to people they don't know. You're taking a risk any time you do. Why? People are going to blame you if something doesn't go just right.

I don't think I saw any great advice on the Ask Jodi board, but I'm not sure it wasn't because she was playing up to the audience which mostly seemed like weekend warriors or young kids and not anybody who was too serious about things. I'd like to read her book for more information on what she has to offer. If somebody can point me to it, I'd appreciate it. I can't find it online and none of the bookstores around here stock it. Is it out of print maybe?

David Hooper -- We make a living helping bands make a living.

posted 09-05-99 07:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jrandom     Edit Message
Chevdo giving the treatment to an critic? Now I've seen it all!

Up with asparagus!

posted 09-05-99 09:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RWB   Click Here to Email RWB     Edit Message

> Up with asparagus!

Yuck! whats wrong with you maaan?

Paul B
posted 09-06-99 06:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Paul B   Click Here to Email Paul B     Edit Message
It's easy to pontificate while hiding behind the facade of anonymity, guys. She was open and straightforward with me and I have benefitted from her advice. I still think it's shame that she got the boot.


posted 09-06-99 10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for RadioWizard     Edit Message
some of you just dont get it

superliar jodi summers was caught in four outright lies about that crazy old coot - who has enough firepower to cause mp3 to ship her behind - put mp3 on the defensive on the net - and cause this old coot to turkey list the lot of at each and every broadcast syndicator and program consultant on the planet

until it was deleted the exchange began not with the industrys best firebreather but with Ty Gonty of FBiEnt

my now deleted post in that exchange was as follows


superliar jodi summers posted the following in the ask jodi area

Ty Gonty, CEO
FBi Entertainment

you ask...
What makes you think VMG is a fraud?

i write this because some time back, i emailed a dozen supposed customers that were listed on the vmg site and of the four that wrote back, no one had anything positive to say about the business model. some of the replies are posted somewhere on my bulletin boards. so i did my homework and that was the response i got.

the post contains three absolute and outright lies

lie number one: i emailed a dozen supposed customers that were listed on the vmg site

there are no customers whatsoever listed anywhere in the vmg site even though the linkpage contains urls and email addresses of those who do not agree with general bobby farrell or vmg

in fact the vmgs contract specifically forbids such attempts at customer endorsements by vmg

lie number two: no one had anything positive to say about the business model

opinions about a business model do not make it a fraud - only criminal activity does

and there are no complaints - not to be confused with the totally undocumentable lunatic ravings - against either general farrell or vmg listed anywhere and especially in jodi summers files and she cannot produce any such complaints because they do not exist

lie number three: some of the replies are posted somewhere on my bulletin boards

she also cannot produce those 'postings' because the do not exist either

a full search of archives on August 1st, 1999 of VMG, VANDOR MUSIC GROUP, GENERAL BOBBY FARRELL, GENERAL FARRELL and BOBBY FARRELL produced an absolute zero of anything in jodi summers files

zero as in nothing

when I challenged her to post either the emails or her nonexistent 'postings' about them the challenge was deleted with a very snide and down-her-nose "go away"

therefore I repeat my challenge - jodi summers - either produce and post those nonexistent emails and your equally nonexistent commentaries about them as specified in your duly documented damned lies above - or apologize to the entire clientele of

I challenge jodi summers and anyone else at who wants to expend the time and energy to produce even one valid black mark against either general bobby farrell or vmg

it cant be done because there arent any - only the lunatic ravings of those who both life and morality have passed by

read this post fast it's going to be deleted as is every other post that documents the damned lies and hypocrisies of the staff at


and when the above post appeared - she stated it must have been some other vandor music group - making lie number 5 because there are no other vandor music groups - on the net or anywhere else we could find

and there is the evidence for anybody who wants to read it

you dont have to like general farrell
you dont have to believe general farrell
you dont have to do business with general farrell

but you do have to walk softly around him or he or one if not some of his many supporters are going to take you to task


im one of those supporters


im the one who cut and pasted the entire exchange of jodi summers lies and forwarded them to all 768 broadcast program consultants and syndicators

and id do it again


no offense taken here and your apology is both accepted and totally unnecessary

we are business people and rough exchanges in a very rough and ruthless industry are often the norm

but if we dont police this industry ourselves we are doomed to the likes of the chevdos on government payroll policing it for us

posted 09-06-99 02:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for chevdo   Click Here to Email chevdo     Edit Message

I'm generally at odds with the government, but if they were prepared to shut you guys down, I'd be the first to sign up for public duty!

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