President George Bush's nominee, Michael B Mukasey, for US Attorney General is a victory for ASCAP, BMI and SESAC whose kak-jew Pay Clique thievery he has rubber stamped and protected by force of law for years on end as Chief BLACK ROBED BASTARD of the US District Court, Southern District of New York.

There is neither justice, honesty nor integrity anywhere in Michael B Mukasey and according to his on-bench track record, there never has been. His philosophy is simple: if you're a jew, jew-controlled or a One World Government socialist, you are pristine as The Most High Himself; if you're anything else, even wealthy by honest endeavor, you are already guilty of any charge whatsoever against you regardless of how asinine or illegal the Constitution may otherwise provide.

That is the slimy BLACK ROBED BASTARD we can look forward to enduring until the honest citizens of these United States overthrow all these socialist bastards, restore the Constitution, and start over – with the proviso of standing all socialists in front of a firing squad every morning to make sure these atrocities never happen again.

20 September 2007
Colonel Robert F. Cunningham,
General Bobby Farrell.

This page is dedicated to all Jewish and non-Jewish people
who have spent their entire lives fighting Bigotry and
all forms of Injustice throughout history.
ASCAP, BMI and SESAC do not qualify!

Written during the Babylonian Exile which only included
the Tribes of Levi and Judah and half the Tribe of Benjamin.

Sanhedrin 57a:
"With respect to robbery — if one stole or robbed or (seized) a beautiful woman,  or (committed) similar offences, if (these were perpetrated) by one Cuthean (non-Jew, goy) against another, (the theft, et cetera) must not be kept, and likewise (the theft) of (from) an Israelite by a Cuthean, but that (thievery) of (from) a Cuthean by an Israelite may be retained.

"For murder — whether of a Cuthean by a Cuthean, or of an Israelite by a Cuthean, (death) punishment is incurred; but (murder) of a Cuthean by an Israelite, there is no (death) penalty.

"As it applies to the withholding of a labourer's wage — One Cuthean from another, or a Cuthean from an Israelite is forbidden, but an Israelite (withholding of a labourer's wage) from a Cuthean is permitted."


This is a copy of the reply email to: Underground Visions, Inc, a Vandor Company Member, with respect to ASCAP's "NO SURVEYED PERFORMANCES" of the Stiffff Kitties album "Mya's Book of The Dead" that was just awarded a Platinum Plaque for logging over 1,000,000 air plays around the world.

It explains the details – all duly documented – as to why NONE of of VMG's songwriters or publishers receive one penny from ASCAP, BMI or SESAC! The story is NOT pretty, nor will it's solution be. If you're not ready to face the cold, hard, facts of RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND ABUSE by those who 'reputedly' rile against it the most: stop reading right here!

It also explains why Paragraph 28., in our STANDARD EXECUTIVE PRODUCER'S RECORD RELEASE AGREEMENT and Paragraph 5., of our equally STANDARD Publisher and Songwriter Agreements, read the way they must. (See excerpts below)

From: "Underground Visions Inc." ><
At 06:37 PM 5/28/2005, you wrote:



First, let me make one point very clear: the Jew-Supremacists documented below STARTED THIS WAR WITH ME – NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! They fired the first shots. But I damned well intend to win the Final Engagement AND THE WAR!

And NO! I do not apologize for my language! It's far too gentle as it is.

ASCAP, BMI and SESAC are SUPPOSED to be "Public Performance Licensing" organizations, unbiased, fair and impartial with respect to race, religion, creed or national origin: but in fact they are all Jew-Supremacist organizations, withholding due earnings from anyone and everyone who isn't either Jew or Jew-Controlled, or has the guts to call them by their right name when the evidence is clear and irrefutable. You can damned well bet myself, and VMG, qualify for NON-PAYMENT in all three categories!

They are SUPPOSED to be non-profit SERVICE organizations, NOT SOCIALIST AGENDA ENFORCEMENT organizations! But obviously, Jewish Supremacy is their sole and exclusive objective, and their pattern of conduct documents that point without and beyond any question or doubt. Their respective PITTANCE Pay Cliques notwithstanding.

With respect to any Attorney at Law, being able to sue ASCAP, BMI or SESAC with any favorable end-result on behalf of songwriters or publishers: it is knowing and deliberate bullshit! Period. They ALL know that ASCAP has bought and paid for the 'court'; To Wit: United States District Court, Southern District of New York; and that all the folderol and high-brow pretence about it is equally pure and unadulterated bullshit! Period that, too.

The REAL situation is two-fold:

1st: The lawyers who have a never-ending stream of 'offers' to sue ASCAP, BMI and SESAC on behalf of who-the-hell-ever they can sucker into paying them, are as abjectly IGNORANT of the realities and true nature of Entertainment and Recorded Music as the idiot Beer Joint Baritones who are perpetually doing the same damnable never-did-work scenarios. Put together, Lawyers and Beer Joint Baritones, their collective intelligence about this Best Of All Industries is less than a retarded brick! In short, they don’t know a god damned thing except the ages-old and still-repeated bullshit that has infested and infected this industry since the first whistle-blow on a conch shell when the Nefilim were testing the intelligence of the first breeding of Adama. And that was about 400,000 years ago. To Wit: Each and every horror story in this Best Of All Industries was and is loaded end-to-end with 'entertainment' Attorneys!

2nd: ASCAP, BMI and SESAC are all RACIAL SUPREMACIST organizations – operated by JEWS for the sole and exclusive benefit of JEWS – and the DETRIMENT of all goyim/gentiles! Especially MONETARY detriment. Their respective track records are clear and irrefutable evidence of this fact, showing that only Jews (suspected or otherwise) or the Jew-Controlled are found in their big-money Pay Cliques. If one has a name, Smith, Miller, etcetera, that MIGHT be Jewish, the odds of making their Pittance Clique is enhanced a thousand fold. I'll be happy to document anytime the slimy bastards want to drag me into any court that is UNCORRUPT enough to make the lying, thieving bastards OPEN ALL THEIR BOOKS from day one!

It's always been practice to get royalty advances from both ASCAP and BMI, usually to invest in product promotion on the part of the Publisher. When I approached BMI Chief Thief Frances Preston in that regard, she lied through her teeth, telling me BMI didn't make such advances when I was holding a check from BMI for that very purpose dated not ten days prior! Of course, Frances Preston is a lying, thieving Kak-Jew too! Then, ASCAP Chief Thief Marilyn Bergman at that time in 'Membership', told me point blank the reason I wasn't in their Pay Clique was "You're not a Jew!" As for their Jew-suck-ass 'awards', I was the wrong color for all of those too.

If that doesn't make BOTH organizations Jew-Supremacists, I'd like to know what the hell it would take! Until these jackass lawyers and Kak-Jew ass-suckers lay these facts on the line to the public at large, they are nothing more than another layer of diseased dung on an already cess pool problem. Until that totally contemptible Southern District of New York 'court' is flushed of its Black Robed Sewer-Vermin, there's not a chance this side of the Main Gates of Hell of getting anything changed at ASCAP, BMI or SESAC. You can certainly depend on that 'court' to precedent-in another layer of Kak-Jew Supremacy, but nothing else. And THEIR track record is absolutely clear on that point. Anyone who "thinks" otherwise is a damned fool, and anyone who "says" otherwise is a damned liar! Yes! You may quote me.

I have been a first-person goyim VICTIM of the lying, thieving Jew-Supremacists for several DECADES! From their perpetual NO PAY, to equally perpetual 'clearance' refusals and eliminations, to blocked emails "as a matter of policy": you name it and the Jew-Supremacists have done it to me. And without exception, with the full and fire-power-enforced sanction of that god damned Masonic-manipulated graft machine known far and wide as the United States District Court, Southern District of New York!

It is impossible for both ASCAP and BMI to NEVER have monitored so much as ONE air play of my music for over THIRTY YEARS! Both of them! If they really WERE doing any ACTUAL 'survey', they would have HAD to have caught something in that length of time. I cracked BMI's ass with the Young Country/Sabrina Pike trap and clearly documented their 'exclusion' of my music! Details are in the VMG site and I still have all the documentation. Factor in the Kak-Jew Supremacist anti-goyim element, and I could have the Original SoundTrack of The Second Coming of Christ, the Attending Angels singing backup, Isaiah on the front, Moses conducting, AND A CONFIRMED DATE: and still get a "NO SURVEYED PERFORMANCES" out of either set of those lying, thieving Jew-Supremacists! Such it is with the Kak-Jews when their designated victim is a gentile.

Over the years, there have been hundreds of lawyer-instigated 'law suits' presented under the guise of getting ASCAP, BMI and/or SESAC to properly pay the songwriters and publishers. NONE HAVE AMOUNTED TO A GOOD GOD DAMN! For the reasons stated above. The best result has always been some NOTHING pittance that ASCAP, BMI, SESAC and that god damned collection of aforementioned Black Robed Bastards use as a PRECEDENT to rob the next series of victims! However: not ONE of those god damned lawyers have ever dared issue so much as one word against the Jew-Supremacists who so blatantly steal and divert earnings from ALL delivered songwriters and publishers into the respective Pay Cliques. Not one word about the open and deliberate thievery, not one word about the Jew-Supremacist atrocities. Nothing. Not even a comma. And especially not a twit against that god damned 'court'!

When and IF some Attorney or Legal Firm wants: (1) to learn the BUSINESS of this BUSINESS instead of the rampant Beer Joint Baritone DELUSIONS, of which all the Major Foundation Blocks are in the VMG website for their convenience; (2) to FRONT all the costs and expenses involved and incurred in dragging the case through all the Hell and Fury until it eventually ends up BACK in the bought-and-paid-for arms of the Black Robed Bastards of the Southern District of New York court - which it will; (3) HAS THE GUTS to fight this situation on the RACIAL GROUNDS it operates on; and (4) try the case in the major media just like the god damned Kak-Jews will their denials: VMG will gladly assign 50% of the award – CONTINGENT UPON WINNING in the amount VMG will document by ASCAP's/BMI/s/SESAC's professed payment schedules. But not one damned cent in retainer, fees, costs, expenses or anything else! They can recoup all their expenses out of their 'winnings', when and if they can hang enough Judges of that damnable Southern District of New York 'court' on the nearest rack of yardarms to get a fair hearing out of the survivors.

I guarantee you: there will be no takers.

In closing, I AM READY FOR COURT ANY TIME ASCAP, BMI and/or SESAC WANT TO SUE! But I will NOT be dragged in front of the Black Robed cocksuckers of the Southern District of New York 'court'! I'll see the lot of them burning in the Deepest Firepits of Hell, first. You can quote me on that, too!

General Bobby Farrell.


Excerpt from our ExP Contract.
To read the entire contents, click on the button below.


28. - - - Any and all PARTY(ies) and/or REPRESENTATIVE(S) what/whomsoever with respect hereto do hereby jointly and severally acknowledge and agree, that: the various Recorded Music Industries and their relevant party(ies) and/or colleague(s) Industries and/or Services are high risk ventures and investments; and as of signature hereof, the risks specified in Paragraph 26, above, are general statistics of and/or with respect to said Industries that to the best information and/or relevant market indicators available we do accept as true and prudent, and that it is with respect to said information with respect to said general statistics herebelow, and any and all definitions specified in Paragraph 29, below, that we do hereby venture and/or invest hereof, and with the understanding thereof that we do hereby venture and/or invest hereof, holding no other party(ies) liable for changes therein/of that may arise at any time this Agreement shall remain in effect;
- - - a: - - - That, PUBLISHER is a member of either the American society of Composers, Authors and Publishers: hereinafter known as ASCAP; Broadcast Music, Incorporated: hereinafter known as BMI; or SESAC'; but neither LICENSER nor LABEL hereof are (a) member(s) of either the ASCAP; BMI; or SESAC; and PUBLISHER is not included in ASCAP's, BMI's or SESAC's respective "pay" or "pittance" Cliques with respect to Public Performance For Profit Licensing as evidenced by:
- - - - - - 1. - - - PUBLISHER's many charted records, both foreign and domestic, with only broadcast promotion of said WORK(s) and ASCAP's, BMI's and/or SESAC's perpetual "no surveyed performances" of said WORK(s); and
- - - - - - 2. - - - ASCAP's declared policy with respect to any and all communications between LICENSER, LABEL and/or PUBLISHER as specified in an appropriate EXHIBIT, attached hereto and/or presented in evidence in any court of competent jurisdiction, as/if requested:
- - - - - - - - - d:/2./a: - - - To Wit: an absolute communications block by ASCAP refusing any and all communications from LICENSER, LABEL and/or PUBLISHER, an exclusive policy applying only to LICENSER, LABEL and/or PUBLISHER and not to any other Member(s) whatsoever, being then and there a violation of both the respective Membership Agreement and the spirit thereof; and
- - - - - - 3. - - - The United States District Court, Southern District of New York's open and blatant collusion with ASCAP in and with respect to ASCAP's said policy of selective exclusion and/or boycott of and/or with respect to LICENSER, LABEL and/or PUBLISHER as evidenced by said Court's failure to enforce their own Court Orders against ASCAP, and said Court's failure to enforce any provisions whatsoever in favor of LICENSER, LABEL and/or PUBLISHER in and of said Membership Agreement between ASCAP and LICENSER, LABEL and/or PUBLISHER; whereof
- - - - - - 4. - - - BMI and SESAC construe said Court's decisions with respect to ASCAP as law and precedent with respect to their respective refusal to consider LICENSER, LABEL and/or PUBLISHER on a fair and equal basis with any and/or all other Members thereof; therefore
- - - b: - - - Payments to AUTHOR(s) and/or COMPOSER(s) hereof by ASCAP, BMI and/or SESAC with respect to said Public Performance(s) for Profit earnings with respect to said WORK(s) is neither inferred nor guaranteed by LICENSER nor LABEL nor PUBLISHER nor any other entity(ies) what/whomsoever associated therewith; and


Excerpt from our STANDARD Publisher Contract.
To read the entire contents, click on the button below.


5. With respect to royalty(ies) and/or earnings with respect to Public Performance(s) for Profit with respect to said WORK(s): BMI shall be the sole and exclusive Affiliation Agency with respect to collection(s) and disbursement(s) of any and all monies due with respect to said Public Performance(s) for Profit earnings to both PUBLISHER and COMPOSER: and shall divide same in accordance with relevant statutes, regulations, provisions, terms and/or clauses in/of BMI's affiliation agreement(s): currently being FIFTY PERCENT (50%) thereof to PUBLISHER and FIFTY PERCENT (50%) thereof to COMPOSER after deduction of any and all costs and expenses incurred by BMI with respect thereto; and thereby PUBLISHER shall not be obligated to divide PUBLISHER's Public Performance(s) for Profit earnings with COMPOSER; however

a: PUBLISHER is not a member of either BMI's "pay" or BMI's "pittance" Cliques as evidenced by PUBLISHER's many charted records, both foreign and domestic, with only broadcaster promotion of said WORK(s) and BMI's perpetual "no surveyed performances" of said WORK(s); therefore

b: Payments to COMPOSER by BMI with respect to said Public Performance(s) for Profit earnings with respect to said WORK(s) is neither inferred nor guaranteed by PUBLISHER nor any other entity(ies) what/whomsoever associated therewith.



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